Patricia Schmehl, RN, DNP

Pat has spent 35 years in the nursing profession, concentrated mostly in the acute care hospital setting as a critical care nurse. Early on in her career she also practiced in the medical-surgical and operating room areas. She has also worked for nursing agencies and hospital float pools, rotating through other areas such as PACU and ECU. Her non-acute care setting experience includes blood donation phlebotomy with Keystone Community Blood Bank. Pat was also previously certified as an acute care nurse practitioner, working within a cardiology practice. She is an advocate for the prevention of diabetes.

Areas of Expertise

  • Critical care
  • Nursing wisdom mentor
  • Nursing education

Professional Associations

  • National Nursing Honor Society
  • American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)
  • America Nurses Association (ANA)
  • Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA)
  • National League of Nursing (NLN)

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